It's Friday and I am going to meet up with Gypsy Mama to join in. Feel free to join us, too! It's lots of fun!
The rules? Write for 5 minutes without stopping to edit or proofread (although I will edit a little since my 'h' key is not working well today, tanks to Gabriel...)
The topic? STILL!
Ready? GO!
Still: As in
ELIZABETH! Are you STILL in bed???? You have to get on the bus in 15 minutes! I woke you up 45 minutes ago!
Jo, you STILL haven't finished emptying the silverware from the dishwasher? Your sister's going to do it and get your quarter if you don't get a move on!
But then there is also:
Be still. Just being. Still. We are being. Still. Everyday. I wake up and I am being. Still. I get up and be and go to work and be and move through the day and be. Still. I'm still being. Being me, being hot, being tired, being frustrated,
then coming home...
and being loved and being needed and being patient and being Mommy...still. Everyday. To the fullest.
And sometimes, to retain my sanity, I need to take all those times of being and step out of them for just one moment and be
Soak it in.
Look to God who in His own mercy and grace has given me the ability to be
and to
Still be!
Let's see what happened today!